«e-Toolbox» on track

One of the main deliverables in the iNOBox project is an openly accessible website that gathers all the documentation on what the six innovative processing technologies can do for the food industry.
In collaboration with web company Bouvet, we have now put in place a tailor-made solution to present the knowledge on a website, which in the project is called an «e-Toolbox». Within the next six months, most of the content will be produced.
The website is aimed at the Norwegian food industry. Throughout the development process, iNOBox industry partners have provided input through a survey, focus interviews and in a workshop with researchers and reference group members.
However, the website will also be interesting for both authorities, researchers and others who want to learn about the new processing technologies and how they affect food products. The website will contain both general info and documentation from research experiments. All information will be available in both English and Norwegian. During 2021, six animated films will also be produced to introduce each of the technologies.
“The feedback has been positive, both from researchers and industry partners. We have received useful input on sketches and drafts during the process. The goal is for the website to become a useful resource for the food industry when it is launched at the end of the project,” says web editor Wilhelm Solheim in Nofima, who is working on developing the new website.
Prior to launch, the site will be tested on users from the food industry, to ensure that it works as intended.