
New processing can make food more sustainable
If we are to slow down climate change, food production must be made more sustainable. Intense research work…

Helpful guide for marketing communication
Text: Themistoklis Altintzoglou and Lidunn Mosaker Boge, Nofima Marketing researchers have developed a guide for food producers who…

Results from trials involving the six technologies
In order to ensure that foods are safe and give them a longer shelf life, it is common…

Information about food processing of the future gathered online
Ignacio Alvarez (left) from the University of Zaragoza in Spain demonstrated equipment for…

Successful consortium meeting
The project is now in its final stage. iNOBox researchers presented new findings for the participants at the…

At last: Research stay started
After several postponements due to the covid-19 pandemic, we have finally managed to have a research stay in…

Marketing communication for innovatively processed food
Transparency about innovative food processing is a powerful tool in marketing communication strategy. But when does it work…

Food producers succeed better with innovation through openness and collaboration
Sveinung Grimsby defended his dissertation on 16 June 2021. The theme of the dissertation was “Radical innovations in…

Covid challenges for iNOBox
Due to travel restrictions and closed laboratories, several project activities have been delayed. iNOBox is a large project,…

«e-Toolbox» on track
One of the main deliverables in the iNOBox project is an openly accessible website that gathers all the…

New leader for iNOBox
As of September, researcher Tone Mari Rode has taken over as project manager for iNOBox. Rode is already…

Digital 2020 Consortium meeting
On October 21st, iNOBox partners gathered in a digital meeting to be updated on the project’s progress. Nearly…

First life cycle analysis of the Norwegian food industry
iNOBox researchers from Norsus are conducting the very first Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of the Norwegian food industry.…

CO2-saturation can increase the shelf life of chicken
Food scientists are testing innovative solutions in order to contribute to less food waste and better food. Do…

Environment vs Convenience; who wins in the supermarket?
Opinion piece by Themis Altintzoglou, Senior scientist, Nofima Our recent research shows that focussing on the environment and…

Transforming consumer data into a communication tool
This is what it looks like when market researchers are designing a decision support tool for market communication.…

New PhD student in PEF and US
Leire Astrain is our new PhD student in Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) and Ultrasound (US) for food processing,…

iNOBox dissemination across Europe
iNOBox researchers are presenting their work in several scientific conferences this summer. Dissemination of project hypotheses, working methods…

Will analyze complex data for iNOBox
Dr. Oscar Daniel Rangel-Huerta is our new post doctor studying potential allergenicity and metabolomic changes in food processed…

Strengthened the team on Plasma Activated Water
As of January of this year, Stephane Simon is in place as a PhD student in the technology…

Consortium Meeting 2019
Last week, 35 project partners were gathered at Nofima’s office in Ås for a two day Consortium meeting.…

Freezing and drying using Ultrasound
Ultrasound is an innovative process that can improve mass and energy transfer processes in food. One of the…

PhD position in Pulsed Electric Fields and Ultrasound for food processing
Unizar has a 3-year PhD position available within the field of novel food processing technologies (Pulsed Electric Fields…

How much can shelf life of chicken be extended?
Among all the hectic activity within iNOBox we are currently running an experiment on chicken. One of the…

Welcome, Tem!
On October 1st, Tem Thi Dang started in her 3-year postdoc position at Nofima in Stavanger, Norway, working…

Postdoctoral researcher in analyses of food constituents
A temporary 2-year position as postdoctoral researcher in analyses of food constituents is available at The Norwegian Veterinary Institute…

PhD position exploring Plasma Activated Water
University of Liverpool has a PhD position available within the field of plasma activated water (PAW). The candidate…

Postdoctoral position in food processing
Nofima has a three-year Post Doc position available within the field of innovative food processing technology. The work…

We are underway!
25 project participants gathered in Stavanger for two days in April to kick off the project iNOBox. Researchers,…

Net-based tool will help food producers make healthier and safer food
Imagine if we wasted less food, got more foods without allergens and could spend less energy on food…